Guadix Granada Andalucía Spain


Guadix (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡwaˈðiks]; Local pronunciation: [waˈðih]) is a city and municipality in southern Spain, in the province of Granada. The city lies at an altitude of 913 metres, in the centre of the Hoya of Guadix, a high plain at the northern foothills of the Sierra Nevada. It is located on the Linares Baeza–Almería railway. The city was built in the vicinity of gullies and badlands.
Known in ancient times as: Acci/Col. Iulia Gemella
Periods/Settlements: hellenistic-republican, roman, late-antique

Distance between:

Madrid to Guadix 218 Miles / 351 Kms
Barcelona to Guadix 402 Miles / 646 Kms

Postal Code 18500

Population 2019

Total: 18422
Total Men: 9120
Total Women: 9302

Broadband and mobile Internet coverage

fixed ≥ 30Mbps : 100%
fixed ≥ 100Mbps : 62%
3G HSPA : 100%
4G LTE : 100%