Torretta Provincia di Palermo Sicilia Italy


Torretta (Sicilian: Turretta) is a comune in the Metropolitan City of Palermo located on the Mediterranean island of Sicily. This town is situated on a mountainous area overlooking Palermo. Olive production is Torretta's primary agriculture product and other industries include aluminum and marble. Monuments include the Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie of XVII. Churches include the Chiesa del Sacramento and the Chiesa and the Monastero del Collegio di Maria. The town is named Torretta probably due to the presence of a small tower around the latter half of the 17th century. The first inhabited center dates back to 1599 by Baron Arrigo Traina. Later it came under dominion of Giulio Tommaso Caro, prince of Pelagie (Lampedusa and Linosa). It was later ruled by DiBenedetto family who is renowned for the risings of 1860 for the Unity of Italy. The population as of 2004 consists of 3,881 people. Popular surnames in this town include: Candela, Caruso, Carollo, Gambino, DiMaggio, Intravaia, Mannino, Parlanti, Scalici and Badalamenti.
Known in ancient times as: Torretta
Periods/Settlements: archaic, classical, hellenistic-republican

Distance between:

Rome to Torretta 264 Miles / 426 Kms
Milan to Torretta 550 Miles / 885 Kms
Venice to Torretta 509 Miles / 819 Kms

Postal Code 90040

Population 2020

Total: 4319
Total Men: 2134
Total Women: 2134

tourist attraction Nearby

Largo Torretta
Torretta di Prata