Haut-Rhin Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine France


Guemar (Arabic: ﻗﻤﺎر) is a Saharan oasis town in Algeria near the Tunisian border, in the Oued Souf area of the El Oued Province, about 20 km north of El Oued. It includes a zaouia and a border post. According to the 2008 census it has a population of 39,168, up from 29,185 in 1998, with an annual growth rate of 3.0%.

Distance between:

Paris to Guémar 236 Miles / 380 Kms
Marseille to Guémar 353 Miles / 568 Kms

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Code of the commune:
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Postal Code:
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More Information about Guémar
