Sierra de Cádiz Cádiz Andalucía Spain


Grazalema is a village located in the northeastern part of the province of Cádiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain. Situated in the foothills of the Sierra del Pinar mountain range (Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park), Grazalema had, as of 2009, a population of 2,205.

Distance between:

Madrid to Grazalema 269 Miles / 433 Kms
Barcelona to Grazalema 517 Miles / 832 Kms

Postal Code 11610

Population 2019

Total: 2027
Total Men: 1006
Total Women: 1021

Broadband and mobile Internet coverage

fixed ≥ 30Mbps : 100%
fixed ≥ 100Mbps : 0%
3G HSPA : 100%
4G LTE : 100%

More Information about Grazalema