Subbética Córdoba Andalusia Spain


Cabra may refer to:
Known in ancient times as: Igabrum/Egabrum
Periods/Settlements: roman, late-antique, mediaeval-byzantine, modern

Distance between:

Madrid to Cabra 208 Miles / 335 Kms
Barcelona to Cabra 446 Miles / 718 Kms

Postal Code 14940

Population 2019

Total: 20341
Total Men: 9905
Total Women: 10436

Broadband and mobile Internet coverage

fixed ≥ 30Mbps : 100%
fixed ≥ 100Mbps : 100%
3G HSPA : 100%
4G LTE : 100%

More Information about Cabra

The Legend of the Fearsome Chupacabra in Puerto Rico | Ancient Origins