St Edmundsbury District Suffolk England United Kingdom

Babel Green

Babel Green is a village in Suffolk, England. There are 3969 places (city, towns, hamlets …) within a radius of 100 kilometers / 62 miles from the center of Babel Green It is East of Barnardiston. The nearest place is the area is Clare, Suffolk. The post town for Babel Green is Sudbury. The services located in Babel Green include Locksmith, gardeners, and vehicle recovery. Several historic buildings to Suffolk just outside of Babel Green include Ickworth and Elveden Monument. The Lopham Fen Nature Reserve spans the border of Norfolk and Suffolk, which are both the area of Babel Green.

Distance between:

London to Babel Green 50 Miles / 81 Kms
Liverpool to Babel Green 173 Miles / 278 Kms

Postal Code

More Information about Babel Green
