La Mancha Toledo Castilla-La Mancha Spain


Tembleque is a coconut dessert pudding from Puerto Rico similar to blancmange and related to Latin American manjar blancos and Filipino maja blanca. It is one of the most popular desserts in Puerto Rican cuisine.

Distance between:

Madrid to Tembleque 51 Miles / 82 Kms
Barcelona to Tembleque 321 Miles / 517 Kms

Postal Code 45780

Population 2019

Total: 1986
Total Men: 1008
Total Women: 978

Broadband and mobile Internet coverage

fixed ≥ 30Mbps : 99%
fixed ≥ 100Mbps : 0%
3G HSPA : 99%
4G LTE : 99%

tourist attraction Nearby

Plaza Mayor de Tembleque
Casa de las Torres